Master Trainer Select™ Program
DTTAC Master Trainer Select™ Program
The Diabetes Training and Technical Assistance Center (DTTAC) at Emory Centers for Public Health Training and Technical Assistance at Emory University is training and preparing qualified individuals to serve as Master Trainers Select™, who can train Lifestyle Coaches within their organization and defined network for delivery of the CDC-led lifestyle change program.
Over 225 Master Trainers Select™ trained!
The DTTAC Master Trainer Select™ (MTS) program allows for greater sustainability within large organizations and systems that are delivering the National DPP lifestyle change program while maintaining a high standard of quality assurance. It is NOT intended to prepare independent trainers, state or national trainers.
For more information about program requirements, eligibility, and the quality control process, click here to read and download our Master Trainer Select Overview.

Benefits of the Program for Organizations
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Having a Master Trainer Select allows organizations to scale and sustain lifestyle change programs efficiently over time, as the number of program participants grows or as there is turnover in Lifestyle Coaches.
Quality Control & Standards
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According to the CDC, having Lifestyle Coaches who are properly trained to implement the lifestyle change program is vital for high program quality and consistent results. Having effective Lifestyle Coaches to deliver the program starts with quality training from a Master Trainer Select. Additionally, having an embedded organizational Master Trainer Select provides the opportunity for ongoing mentoring and monitoring of Lifestyle Coaches.
When applying for the program, individual candidates must verify that they:
- Are affiliated with an organization that has preliminary, full, or full plus CDC recognition; and
- Have completed formal Lifestyle Coach Training from a training entity listed on the CDC website or from another DTTAC-trained Master Trainer Select™; and
- At a minimum, have direct experience with delivery of the lifestyle change program for 2 years; and
- Within those two years, have led at least 2 groups of participants through the yearlong program prior to attending the Master Trainer Select™ program. More than the minimum requirement is strongly recommended; and
- Must stay active as either a Lifestyle Coach with a minimum of one cohort per year, or as a DPP Coordinator or similar program leadership role; and
- Demonstrate the following competencies:
— Ability to facilitate versus teach
— Ability to provide constructive feedback to others
— Understand the importance of program and training fidelity
— Understanding the CDC DPRP standards
— Ability to role model facilitation skills and strong problem-solving skills; and - Ability to provide ongoing support to the completers of the Lifestyle Coach Training
- Click to see the Eligibility Requirements infographic.
The Application Process
Complete the Application and Submit Additional Documents
- Submit the Online Application
- Submit a Recommendation Form to MTS@emory.edu
The sponsoring organization will be asked to complete an Organization Commitment Form verifying the individual’s role within the organization and the organization’s intent to train Lifestyle Coaches.
Please note: Your application will not be reviewed until both items are submitted.
Qualified candidates will be contacted by DTTAC staff to schedule a Zoom interview with DTTAC, the Master Trainer Select™ Candidate and the Organizational Sponsor.
Accepted applicants will receive an invitation to register for the Master Trainer Select™ training. Trainings are offered in-person or through distance training using Zoom.
Distance training currently consists of four 4-hour training days. Attendance at all sessions is required.
In-person training is two full days from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm EST and a third half-day is offered via Zoom within a week of the in-person training. Travel costs are not included in the registration fee, and accepted applicants will need to make their own travel arrangements. Breakfast and lunch during the two in-person training days are provided.
If you are approved to participate in the training, there is a one-time training fee of $1,895. For those affiliated with an Umbrella Hub, the training fee is $2,395. To maintain your DTTAC Master Trainer Select™ status, you must renew your status (an annual fee of $775 for single organizational Master Trainer Selects or $1,275 for Umbrella Hub affiliated Master Trainer Selects) and participate in an annual online refresher course.
For any questions related to the Master Trainer Select™ program, please email us at MTS@emory.edu.